Slovenian Nursing Review: Announcements <p><em><strong>SLOVENIAN NURSING REVIEW<br>ISSN 1318-2951 (print edition), e-ISSN 2350-4595 (online edition)</strong></em><br><strong><em>UDC 614.253.5(061.1)=863=20, CODEN: OZNEF5</em></strong></p> <p><em><strong>Founded and published by:</strong></em><br>The Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia</p> <p>Izdajo sofinancira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije</p> sl-SI Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:29:14 +0000 OJS 60 APA 7 <p>Dear authors of contributions,</p> <p>The editorial team of the Nursing Review Review announces that starting from 2024, we are transitioning to a refreshed citation style, <a href="">APA 7</a>. Until now, we have been using the APA 6 citation style.</p> <p><a href="">APA 7</a> is the latest citation style, which includes a few minor changes. These are summarized here:</p> <ul> <li>Et al.: "et al." is used in the first in-text citation for works with three or more authors.</li> <li>Up to 20 authors cited: In the reference list, give the surnames and initials for up to 20 authors.</li> <li>Publication location: The location of the publisher (e.g., city, country/state code) is no longer required.</li> <li>"Retrieved from": You no longer need to write “Retrieved from” before a URL.</li> </ul> <p>Kindly submit new contributions in the APA 7 citation style.</p> <p>Sincerely,</p> <p>Editorial board of SNR</p> Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:29:14 +0000 Articles In Press <p>Dear authors, readers and reviewers of the Nursing Review,</p> <p>We would like to inform you that this year we are introducing a new feature at the Slovenian Nursing Review: the Articles ahead of the print. This new feature brings many advantages for authors, readers and, last but not least, the journal. The articles will be available on the journal's website (<strong><a href="">Article in Press</a></strong> tab).</p> <p>On behalf of the editorial staff,</p> <p>Mirko Prosen</p> Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:55:57 +0000 Editorial <p>Dear editorial writers,</p> <p>we are informing you that editorial lenght should not be longer than 1500 words.</p> <p>Thank you in advance for you cooperation.</p> <p> </p> Tue, 17 Jan 2023 12:16:52 +0000 Slovenian Nursing Journal is part of Sherpa Romeo database & SCILIT <p>Dear readers,</p> <p>we would like to inform you that Slovenian Nursing Journal become part of Sherpa Romeo database.</p> <p>Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and presents publisher and journal open access policies from around the world. Every registered publisher or journal held in Romeo is carefully reviewed and analysed by our specialist team who provide summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis where possible.</p> <p>Link to the journal</p> <p>Dear readers, you can find now Slovenian Nursing Review also in the database SCILIT.</p> <p>Scilit is a comprehensive content aggregator platform for scholarly publications.</p> <p>Link</p> Sat, 12 Nov 2022 09:21:45 +0000 Zapis avtorjev Sun, 14 Aug 2022 14:18:43 +0000 Sprememba dolžine člankov <p>Spoštovani avtorji,</p> <p>uredniški odbor Obzornika zdravstvene nege je seji 7. 7. 2021 sprejel sklep<strong>, </strong></p> <p><strong>da se dolžina izvirnega znanstvenega članka omeji na 5000 besed skupaj z referencami in dolžina preglednega znanstvenega članka na 6000 besed skupaj z referencami.</strong></p> <p>Hvala za upoštevanje nove dolžine člankov.</p> <p>S spoštovanjem, UO</p> Thu, 19 Aug 2021 21:10:22 +0000