Diagnostika, preprečevanje in zdravljenje alergijskih bolezni v otroški dobi


  • Draga Černelč


The paper informs about the epidemiological aspects of childhood allergic conditions in Slovenia and presents the pathogenesis, diagnosis, prophylaxis and therapy of these diseases, with special emphasis on the role of patienťs environment in the diagnostic evaluation. Immunotherapy with allergens is advocated and the need for judicious therapy with antihistamine drugs is stressed. Psychotherapy, physical therapy and climatotherapy are described. The author stresses the tasks of health institutions and schools in continuing care for allergic patients, and warns about the harmful effects of preservatives and other substances added to food, which increase hypersensitivity. Speaking about the feeding of babies, the author points out that breast milk has advantage over other foods by its increasing the resistance to infection and by prolonging the hypersensitivity to cow's milk. Strict observation of clinical and pharmacological principles and regular determinations of drug levels in the serum and saliva are essential in the medication of allergic patients.



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Kako citirati

Černelč, D. (1984). Diagnostika, preprečevanje in zdravljenje alergijskih bolezni v otroški dobi. Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege, 18(3/4), 151–165. Pridobljeno od https://obzornik.zbornica-zveza.si:8443/index.php/ObzorZdravNeg/article/view/1626



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