Ethics and related editorial policies

Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The publisher plays a crucial role in supporting journal editors and peer reviewers to uphold the integrity of the scholarly record. The Editorial Board recognizes its responsibilities as the custodian of the guidelines adopted to assist editors, reviewers, and authors in meeting their ethical obligations.

The Slovenian Nursing Review adheres to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

To ensure the originality and integrity of submissions, all accepted articles undergo plagiarism checks using Detektor podobnih vsebin (DPV), developed by the University of Maribor, and iThenticate, which includes articles in the Turnitin database. If the Editorial Board determines that a manuscript violates copyright or plagiarism standards, the manuscript will be immediately excluded from the editorial process.

Authors are required to sign an Authorship Statement confirming that their manuscript has not been published or accepted for publication in any other language or forum. 

All complaints and appeals should be directed to the Editorial Board. In the event of ethical violations, the Editorial Board will initiate a resolution and adjudication process. If necessary, the second stage of this process will be conducted by an honorary review panel of the Slovenian Nurses Association.

In exceptional cases, following thorough review and deliberation, the Slovenian Nursing Review reserves the right to issue a correction (errata) to any published article, ensuring the continued accuracy and integrity of the academic record.

Ethical Oversight and Research Ethics

 Authors are required to provide information on the ethical aspects of the research. In the case of research approval by an ethics committee, they should state the name of the ethics committee and the decision number. If the research did not require special permission from an ethics committee, the authors must explain this.

If the article publishes research on humans, it should be clear in the subsection of methods "Description of research process and data processing" that the research was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki-Tokyo Declaration, and the process of obtaining permissions for conducting the research should be described. Experimental research conducted on humans must have the consent of an ethics committee, either at the level of the institution or multiple institutions where the research is conducted, or at the national level.

More about Ethical guidelines of Slovenian Nursing Review.

Conflict of interest

When submitting a manuscript, the authors are responsible for recognising and disclosing any conflicts of interest that might bias their work. If there are no such conflicts to acknowledge, the authors should declare this by including the following statement: 'The authors declare that no conflicts of interest exist.'

Artificial Intelligence (AI)–Assisted Technology
At submission, the  authors to disclose whether they used Artificial Intelligence (AI)– assisted technologies (such as Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots, or image creators) in the production of submitted work. Authors who use such technology should describe, in both the cover letter and the submitted work in the appropriate section if applicable, how they used it.

Author contributions

In case of more than one author, the contribution of each author should be clearly defined according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations (http://www. Each co-author must participate in at least two structural parts of the article (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion). In addition, it should be identified to which stage of manuscript development each author has substantially participated (conception, design, execution, interpretation of the reported study or to the writing of an article).


All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship and provided purely technical help or general support in the research (non-author contributors) can be listed in the acknowledgments.


The authors are responsible for recognising and disclosing in the manuscript all sources of funding received for the research submitted to the journal. This information includes the name of granting agencies funding the research, or the project number. If there are no such conflicts or financial support to acknowledge, the authors should declare this by including the following statement: 'The study received no funding.'

Publication Fees

Publishing an article in the Nursing Review is not subject to a fee. If the author withdraws from publishing the article after the review has been prepared, a fee is charged.