Nursing students' perceptions of knowledge: an international perspective


  • Majda Pahor University of Ljubljana Faculty of Health Sciences Zdravstvena pot 5 SI-1000 Ljubljana
  • Barbara Domajnko University of Ljubljana Faculty of Health Sciences Zdravstvena pot 5 SI-1000 Ljubljana
  • Elisabeth Lindahl Umeå University Department of Nursing SE-90187 Umeå Sweden



nursing knowledge, education, students' perspective, Slovenia, Sweden


Introduction: Nursing education in Europe is undergoing the development toward greater comparability under the Bologna process. Based on our mutual experiences from teaching in Slovenia and Sweden, the students' perspectives on knowledge and nursing practice became an issue. The aim was to explore Slovenian and Swedish undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of knowledge needed for future practice. Methods: A qualitative study design was applied. A questionnaire with open ended questions was used to collect opinions of 174 nursing students from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and 109 nursing students from the University of Umea, Sweden. Textual data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Four subcategories were identified, related to the content of knowledge: knowledge about 'bodies and diseases', about 'people and communication'; and to its purpose: 'to do nursing' and 'to be a nurse'. The main theme, 'integration', indicated the students' awareness of the complexity of their future work and the need for a wide integrated knowledge. Discussion and conclusion: There were more similarities than differences between the Slovenian and Swedish students included in the study. The students were aware of the complex responsibilities and expressed the need for integrating various competences. Interprofessional education should become a constitutive part of nursing education programmes.


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Author Biographies

Majda Pahor, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Health Sciences Zdravstvena pot 5 SI-1000 Ljubljana

red. prof. dr. Majda Pahor, univ. dipl. soc

Barbara Domajnko, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Health Sciences Zdravstvena pot 5 SI-1000 Ljubljana

doc. dr. Barbara Domajnko, prof. angl, dipl. soc. kult.

Elisabeth Lindahl, Umeå University Department of Nursing SE-90187 Umeå Sweden

assist. prof. Elisabeth Lindahl, RNT, PhD


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How to Cite

Pahor, M., Domajnko, B., & Lindahl, E. (2015). Nursing students’ perceptions of knowledge: an international perspective. Slovenian Nursing Review, 49(1).



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