What motivates nursing students for learning and how they evaluate simulated clinical training


  • Manca Pajnič University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana




education, mentorship, satisfaction with study, practical skills, theoretical knowledge, simulation lab training


Introduction: Mode and organization of the study, availability of learning material attitude towards students and study atmosphere can all have an impact on the extrinsic motivation factors. This research aims to identify the students' motivation factors for study and how they assess obligatory simulated clinical training. Methods: The study was conducted at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, in the year 2011. The purposive sample consisted of 159 second and third-year nursing students. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire, divided into 3 blocks: motivation, satisfaction, and tuition and living costs and Five-point scale. Descriptive and bivariate statistic methods were used for the analysis of data. Results: The items 'the desire to attain additional knowledge' (x = 4.3) and 'the desire to achieve a higher educational level' (x = 4.26) were rated highest among the intrinsic motivation factors on a 5-point scale. During their clinical training, the students were not given the opportunity to perform certain nursing interventions (x = 3.97), and they claim that in simulated clinical training there was not sufficient time to practice nursing interventions (x = 1.91). Discussion and conclusion: The students are highly motivated for studying nursing. They recognize the positive effects of simulated clinical training on their theoretical and practical knowledge, and academic achievement.


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Author Biography

Manca Pajnič, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana

Manca Pajnič, RN, MA, Lecturer


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How to Cite

Pajnič, M. (2016). What motivates nursing students for learning and how they evaluate simulated clinical training. Slovenian Nursing Review, 50(2). https://doi.org/10.14528/snr.2016.50.2.86



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