Characteristics of a good mentoring relationship: a descriptive survey including pupils, students and mentors


  • Dragan Babuder Srednja gozdarska in lesarska šola Postojna, Tržaška 36, 6230 Postojna



mentorship, personality characteristics, relationship


Introduction: The characteristics of a mentor are of vital importance for a successful mentor–mentee relationship. The aim of the study was to explore and determine the mentors' and mentees' essential characteristics and values in nursing education influencing effective mentoring, as perceived and expected from each other. Methods: A quantitative descriptive research method was used, using an online questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 147 nursing students (50 secondary-school and 97 undergraduate students), and 54 mentors in the clinical settings. Descriptive statistics, Chi–square test and variance analysis test were used. Results: According to the mentors, a successful relationship is not influenced by the mentor's age. All the respondents agreed that the most important factors in mentoring relationships are proper communication and mutual respect. The mentors expect that mentees show respect to others and assume responsibility for their duties and obligations (x = 4.6). The mentors should be willing to invest ample time in their mentees, they should be organized and accessible (x = 4.7). Discussion and conclusion: The views on the required characteristics and attributes of mentors differ among the groups of respondents. The respondents within all three groups, however, agree that successful mentoring relationships are characterized by the mentors' good communication skills and creative environment.


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Author Biography

Dragan Babuder, Srednja gozdarska in lesarska šola Postojna, Tržaška 36, 6230 Postojna

Dragan Babuder, RN, BScN


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How to Cite

Babuder, D. (2016). Characteristics of a good mentoring relationship: a descriptive survey including pupils, students and mentors. Slovenian Nursing Review, 50(4).



Professional article