Anonymous: the problems, dilemmas and desires of Slovenian adolescents in online counselling


  • Ksenija Lekić National Institute of Public Health Celje, Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
  • Nuša Konec Juričič National Institute of Public Health Celje, Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
  • Petra Tratnjek National Institute of Public Health Celje, Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
  • Marjan Cugmas University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, 1000 Ljubljana
  • Darja Kukovič University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Mariborska 7, 2000 Maribor
  • Borut Jereb University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Mariborska 7, 2000 Maribor



online counselling, online questions, coding, problem typology, mental health


Introduction: Online counselling represents a new medium for finding health information. The aim of the research is to determine the importance of analysis of adolescents' issues in order to understand their problems, needs and desires. Methods: In 2012 the system for the classification of questions by the type of problem was introduced. In relation to the contents the questions were first sorted to the parent category then followed by the categorization according to the subject matter. The calculation comprised the portions, averages and quartiles, and in some cases even Cramer's V coefficients. The analysis covered the entire defined population (3,257 coded questions). Results: Most of the users are girls (76 %), the most representative group encompasses adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years (57 %). Most questions were grouped into the categories Sexuality and sexual health (24 %), Relationships (23 %) and Body (20 %). The length of posts increases with the age of the user (Cr's V = 0.18), but differs by the gender (a higher proportion of longer questions (Cr's V = 0.15) were posted by girls) and the themes (Cr's V = 0.31). Discussion and conclusion: The categorizing of questions is suitable for the identification and analysis of adolescents' problems, needs and desires. Regular categorisation of questions with analysis will serve as a useful research tool for youth work.


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Author Biographies

Ksenija Lekić, National Institute of Public Health Celje, Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje, Slovenia

BSc in Journalism

Nuša Konec Juričič, National Institute of Public Health Celje, Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje, Slovenia

M. D., Specialist in Public Health

Petra Tratnjek, National Institute of Public Health Celje, Ipavčeva 18, 3000 Celje, Slovenia

BSc in Sociology

Marjan Cugmas, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, 1000 Ljubljana

BSc in Social Informatics

Darja Kukovič, University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Mariborska 7, 2000 Maribor

BSc in History and Political Science

Borut Jereb, University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Mariborska 7, 2000 Maribor



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How to Cite

Lekić, K., Konec Juričič, N., Tratnjek, P., Cugmas, M., Kukovič, D., & Jereb, B. (2014). Anonymous: the problems, dilemmas and desires of Slovenian adolescents in online counselling. Slovenian Nursing Review, 48(2).



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