Satisfaction of nursing students with clinical practice

A descriptive research




satisfaction, support, clinical supervisor, clinical practice, education


Introduction: Clinical supervisor support during clinical practice is one of the key elements in the satisfaction of nursing students. The aim of this study was to present the satisfaction of nursing students with clinical practice and to assess the level of support they received.
Methods: A quantitative non-experimental method of empirical research was conducted. The research instrument was a closed-ended questionnaire (CLEI-19) with 19 statements. The research was conducted on a convenience sample of undergraduate nursing students (n = 106) attending one Slovenian faculty. In statistical data analysis, the descriptive and inferential statistics (Mann-Whitney U-test) were used.
Results: The results show that nursing students are satisfied with the clinical learning environment ( = 3.55, s = 0.856, p < 0.001) and perceived support from their clinical supervisors ( = 3.70, s = 1.064, p < 0.001). There were no statistically significant differences among nursing students between genders, full- or part- time enrollment, or year of study (p > 0.05) regarding their satisfaction with the clinical learning environment nor perceived support from their clinical supervisor.
Discussion and conclusion: Students express satisfaction with their clinical practice and the support they have received from their clinical supervisors. To maintain and improve the quality of clinical experience, more content regarding mentoring competencies that would improve student satisfaction with clinical practice and clinical mentor support should be included in the training of clinical supervisors.


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How to Cite

Rožnik, A., Božič, A., Prosen, M., & Ličen, S. (2022). Satisfaction of nursing students with clinical practice: A descriptive research. Slovenian Nursing Review, 56(2), 123–131.



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