Women's experience of unplanned out-of-hospital birth


  • Ksenija Kragelj Zdravstveni dom Tolmin, Prešernova ul. 6, 5220 Tolmin
  • Mirko Prosen University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola




Upper Soča region, distance, midwife, interpersonal relationship, empowerment


Introduction: Out-of-hospital births are rare in Slovenia. Some of these births occur also in the Upper Soča region, mainly due to its geographical location and the travel time to the nearest hospital, specifically. The aim of this study was to obtain a deeper insight into childbearing women's experience of unplanned out-of-hospital birth, and to evaluate the satisfaction with the quality of perinatal care provided. Methods: The study was based on a qualitative methodology. The purposive sample included 10 pregnant women who gave birth between 2004 and 2014. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews in June 2014 and were analysed by using the method of content analysis. Results: The analysis yields five thematic clusters, namely (1) birth process – rituals, practices and experiences, (2) re-experiencing birth, (3) woman-centred care, (4) perceived level of satisfaction with institutional treatment, and (5) feelings, desires and perceptions of women during pregnancy which are related to birth. Discussion and conclusion: The findings suggest that during unplanned out-of-hospital birth, the most important is the active and passive support of persons present and their attitude towards the woman in labour. Although women are not fully aware of all potential risks, the health professional present should be prepared and take all the preventive measures. The study participants perceived home birth as a positive experience and also expressed high level of satisfaction with perinatal health care. Further research should be undertaken to investigate into the attitudes of health care professionals' assisting in home birth.


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Author Biographies

Ksenija Kragelj, Zdravstveni dom Tolmin, Prešernova ul. 6, 5220 Tolmin

Ksenija Kragelj, BSN

Mirko Prosen, University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola

Mirko Prosen, PhD, MSc, BSc, RN, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Kragelj, K., & Prosen, M. (2016). Women’s experience of unplanned out-of-hospital birth. Slovenian Nursing Review, 50(2). https://doi.org/10.14528/snr.2016.50.2.93



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