The use of new psychoactive drugs among students of health and teaching professions


  • Eva Bučan Klinika Golnik - Univerzitetna klinika za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik, Golnik 36, 4204 Golnik, Slovenija
  • Branko Bregar Univerzitetna psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana, Studenec 48, 1000 Ljubljana; Fakulteta za zdravstvo Jesenice, Spodnji Plavž 3, 4270 Jesenice, Slovenija



synthetic drugs, dependence, drug abuse, nurses, teachers, young people


Introduction: New psychoactive drugs are still fairly unexplored and represent a large problem for our society. The problem of the use of new psychoactive drugs occurs in all age groups, even among students. The purpose of the study was to investigate the use, attitudes and knowledge of new psychoactive drugs among students. Methods: The research was based on the descriptive method of quantitative research. Data were collected using an online questionnaire. The study involved 311 students from two health sciences faculties and the Faculty of Education. Data were processed by the descriptive, univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistics. Results: The most well-known new psychoactive drugs were slightly older like ecstasy (n = 26, 7.2 %), amphetamine or speed (n =26, 7.2 %) and LSD (n = 15, 4.06 %). There are differences between the faculties in their knowledge of new psychoactive drugs (χ2 (2) = 8.629, p = 0.013). Respondents' attitudes towards drugs are largely moralistic or overly critical. More than a tenth of respondents (n = 42, 13.5 %) use new psychoactive drugs. The respondents who used drugs, generally come from a rural environment (n = 29, 69.04 %), are smokers (n = 33, 78.57 %) and enjoy alcohol (n = 37, 95,24 %). Discussion and conclusions: Students lack the general knowledge of new psychoactive drugs. The research has shown the need for additional education.


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How to Cite

Bučan, E., & Bregar, B. (2017). The use of new psychoactive drugs among students of health and teaching professions. Slovenian Nursing Review, 51(1), 42–51.



Original scientific article