Validity and reliability of a questionnaire on potential stressors for nursing care staff in Slovenian hospitals

a causal non-experimental method


  • Mojca Dobnik University Medical Centre Maribor, Ljubljanska ulica 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia and University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Žitna ulica 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
  • Matjaž Maletič University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia
  • Brigita Skela-Savič Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care Spodnji Plavž 3, 4270 Jesenice, Slovenia



working conditions, overload, measuring scales


Introduction: Nursing care staff are exposed to many stress factors; however, in Slovenia there has not been a stressor measuring instrument applied thus far. The aim of the study was to establish the validity and reliability of the questionnaire for measuring stressors that the nurses working in Slovenian hospitals are exposed to.
Methods: A quantitative-descriptive method of research with a causal non-experimental design was used. Data was collected using the Scale for stress measurement and the Stress at the workplace of nursing staff, and merged into the measuring instrument called the Potential stressors for employees in health care. Validation was conducted on a causable sample of 983 nursing care workers in 21 Slovenian hospitals. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods and factor analysis.
Results: Using the exploratory factor analysis, 34 variables remained explaining 68 % of the total variability. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin values of sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s spherical test (KMO = 0.931, Bartlett: χ2(561) = 9670.501, p < 0.001) have proved to be suitable for the exploratory factor analysis delivering 9 factors. The questionnaire is reliable. Cronbach’s alpha values vary on the interval from 0.805 to 0.932.
Discussion and conclusion: The questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring potential stressors in nursing care in Slovenian hospitals and thus provides several possibilities for comparison with other established instruments abroad. The measuring instrument has been designed for nursing care managers.


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How to Cite

Dobnik, M., Maletič, M., & Skela-Savič, B. (2020). Validity and reliability of a questionnaire on potential stressors for nursing care staff in Slovenian hospitals: a causal non-experimental method. Slovenian Nursing Review, 54(1), 29–37.



Original scientific article