Alcohol consumption among nursing students
adolescent, alcohol, adolescenceAbstract
Introduction: Alcohol use during adolescence and young adulthood remains a prominent public health problem in Slovenia as well as worldwide. Early onset of drinking is a risk factor for lifetime alcohol-related problems and usually co–occurs with a range of other risky behaviours. The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of alcohol consumption among nursing students, which continues to be widespread among today's adolescents and college students. Methods: The survey was conducted from January to June of 2015 among full-time nursing undergraduate students. The convenience sample consisted of 217 participants. A structured questionnaire was used as a research instrument along with the basic descriptive statistics and quantitative research method. Results: Statistically significant gender-related differences were established (p = 0.000). The drinking data collected show that male participants are most likely to drink beer while women participants usually drink spirits or liqueurs. A statistically significant gender-related difference was identified also in the number of occasions participants got intoxicated by alcohol in the period of 30 days preceding the survey (p = 0.000). Discussion and conclusion: According to the research findings, a good half of the respondents indulge in risky drinking, with male students prevailing. The data obtained indicate the need for an extensive research on alcohol consumption among Slovenian students.Downloads
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