Care for people with depression in Slovenia: literature review


  • Vesna Zupančič Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Novo mesto, Na Loko 2, 8000 Novo mesto
  • Majda Pahor Zdravstvena fakulteta, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana



mental health, community care, nursing care, secondary analysis


Introduction: The article presents the research results of the extent and the nature of published scientific and professional knowledge about the care for people with depression in Slovenia. The main objective is to determine whether this knowledge enables the development of comprehensive, integrated community care for people with depression in Slovenia. Methods: A review of literature was carried out. Scientific and professional literature was being collected from January to July 2013 by consulting the COBIB.SI union bibliographic/catalogue database and using the EndNoteWeb tool for the analysis. The review results include the number of units found by key words, separated according to the publication time frame. The quality control is based on the analysis of the included scientific research. Results: The results encompass a database of written scientific-research and professional resources published in Slovenia from 2000 to 2013 (435 units) and the resulting map of categories presenting the concepts of community care for people with depression. A quality analysis of the included research was carried out from the viewpoint of the used research methods. In qualitative synthesis, codes (31) and categories (4) were used as a result of a qualitative synthesis review. Discussion and conclusion: There is a lack of empirical data for the development of community care for people with depression in Slovenia. There is also a shortage of appropriate tools for measuring and comparing the degree of integration and integrity of integrated care services at the local community level.


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Author Biographies

Vesna Zupančič, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Novo mesto, Na Loko 2, 8000 Novo mesto

pred. Vesna Zupančič, dipl. m. s., univ. dipl. soc. ped., mag. vzg. in men. v zdravstvu

Majda Pahor, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana

red. prof. dr. Majda Pahor, univ. dipl. soc.


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How to Cite

Zupančič, V., & Pahor, M. (2014). Care for people with depression in Slovenia: literature review. Slovenian Nursing Review, 48(2).



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