Directives for nursing education in the 1st cycle degree higher professional study programme Nursing


  • Brigita Skela-Savič Faculty of health care Jesenice



education, nursing, registered nurse, quality, Directive 2013/55/EU


Introduction: Education in nursing in the European Union member states is regulated by the Directive 2013/55/EU. In Slovenia, the national directives as an upgrade to the European directives have as yet not been developed. Furthermore, in the last decades the needs for nursing education have not been explored into. Methods: A complementary combination of qualitative consensus methods (panel group of experts, techniques of group consensus), qualitative non-experimental descriptive method Delfi and the literature review were utilised in the development of the directives. The representatives of higher educational and health institutions, national nursing association, and nursing students participated in the project. Results: The process of development of directives lasted from 2013 till 2015. It encompassed 6 iterations of different consensus methods. More than 150 nursing experts participated in this process who were chosen by the snowball sampling technique and according to their institution affiliation (higher educational and healthcare institutions), and 18 nursing students. The total of 8 content-related directives were identified. Conclusion and implementation: The directives present a solid basis for unification of nursing education in the Republic of Slovenia. They present the foundation for the evaluation of nursing education on the basis of which responsible political decisions may be reached relating to the quality and quantity of higher nursing education.


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Author Biography

Brigita Skela-Savič, Faculty of health care Jesenice

izr. prof. dr. Brigita Skela Savič, viš. med. ses., univ. dipl. org., mag. znanosti (org.)


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How to Cite

Skela-Savič, B. (2015). Directives for nursing education in the 1st cycle degree higher professional study programme Nursing. Slovenian Nursing Review, 49(4).



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